Wednesday, 17 August 2011


Report and Photograph. A.Carey 17th August 2011

Popped down to Par Beach Pool when the sun came out and grabbed a couple of pics of Roger's indeterminate duck! For what it's worth I'd say it's an immature female Scaup, from the markings, which extend under the chin, unlike the female tuftie, which in my experience tends to stop at the bill. Whilst Roger and I were watching this bird from the car park, a kingfisher flew over the bushes behind us, and at speed across the lake, and over the island.
Attached a piccy of the duck, let me know what you think.

Thank you for photograph and report Andrew. 


  1. I think you are probably right Andrew...though it does have a very small bump at the rear of its head which could be a tuft or maybe it is just a photographic thing.

  2. It may have been a Tufted Duck or a Scaup, I don't mind, it is beautiful anyway.

  3. That bumpy bit on the back of the head bothers me too..! Raggedy, moulting juvenile? Let's hope it sticks around along enough for us to make our minds up!

  4. Juv female Tufty for me- its got an obvious crest on the rear of the head and also lacks the small neck and large domed head of a Scaup.

    If any one can get a decent pic of the pattern on the bill tip, that'd be definitive. Broad black tip= Tufty, small, narrow black tip= Scaup


  5. Easier said than done John, it's been keeping a fair distance way from the banks! I've put a head-on shot on my facebook page, Andrew Carey. Hovwever, they are all crops!


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