Report. Mark Whittaker. 4th January 2011
Menabilly :
14 Fieldfare, 12 Lapwing, Female Kestrel, 40 Redwing, Skylark, 200+ Starling and a 100+ Finch flock.
Sadly due to distance and light unable to scan properly but a large number were Chaffinch.
Par Bay the 3 Brent Geese remained and on the pool were the usuals including a Shelduck and Little Grebe. Bittern was seen at 4:05pm behind the depth marker where it then moved at 4:40pm to in behind the pool towards the masala restaurant.
I managed to photograph the 3 Brent Geese at high tide 1600hrs about 30 yards off shore. The light was very poor and the best I can say of them is ...record shots.
So what is happening locally?
2 days ago
I'm rubbish and forgot to say there were 43 Curlew going to roost that evening.