Report.T.R.Moore. 4th January 2011
This time of the year a lot of birders are out and about adding to their new year list. Me included.
This morning I was on a respectable 72...71 for the Baywatch Sites and I was determined to fill in a few chinks.
Two of them Dipper and Grey Wagtail I was confident I would see at the Manoa Valley. The Marsh Tit was a fair bet at St Andrews so that was today's plan.
Manoa Valley 1030 hrs.
A lot of small birds were moving through the trees as I pulled onto the car park adjacent to the Sewage works.
Chaffinch, Long-tailed Tits and Blue Tits were seen also numerous Pied Wagtails inside the works gate.
Strangely on the way to the river nothing was seen with the exception of a lone Buzzard perched in the trees a field away.
Getting to the river I saw the Dipper 30 yards cannot move upstream from this point on the bank I was on. After taken a record shot it chose to fly off further upstream and I know unless it got flushed (unlikely as the opposite bank is rough with very few walkers.) then it would stay where it was.
Two ladies approached me and asked what I was photographing. After telling them they said ..."there are two more feeding someway downstream as we have just passed them."
Well they were correct ...a hundred yards down I saw them both within ten foot of each other...I photographed them both and thought...I have photographed three different Dippers within 30 minutes of will take something to better that.
Now I was looking for the Grey Wagtail the Dippers shadow. Well I never saw one the whole walk back to the car park.
Back at the car I was watching two Goldcrest in the tree opposite but not once did they offer a clean photograph.
Just as I started the car up to leave a Grey Wagtail landed on the road 30 yards away..tick two right on the button.
St Andrews Pool 1500hrs.
The Cafe was in good heart today.
Marsh Tit 3
Long-tailed Tit 2
Robin 2
Blue Tit 4
Great Tit 4
Dunnock 2
Song Thrush 1
Corvids many
Water Rail 2
Par Beach 1600.hrs
Saw the 3 Brent Geese 30 yards out to sea.
Mission accomplished.
So what is happening locally?
2 days ago
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