I hooked up with an old work mate and visited St Andrews Pool and Par.
Nothing really of interest at St A's Pool but after opening up the Hard Rock Cafe the punters came back as I knew they would.
The usual Marsh Tits, Coal, Great and Blue Tits all made an appearance along with an overhead sightings of a Sparrowhawk and Jay.
Phil Barlow informed me of an American Vagrant Duck at PBP so that was the next stop on the agenda for Ted and myself.
The Ringed Necked Duck(*vagrant ) was happy amongst the Tufties and was being watched by a handful of birders.
A Black Swan was also present on the Pool along with the usual residents. With the exception of a Grey Heron in the far trees nothing else was worth recording.
Moving on to the top end.
Stonechat,, Goldcrest, Chiffchaff, Goldfinch, Rock Pipit, Grey and Pied Wagtails, Turnstones, Grey Heron and Cormorant were all recorded along with the usual Corvids and Gulls.
Black Swan.
Chippenham Park Gardens
6 days ago
A very Merry Christmas .. Interesting blog