I was at Spit Beach at 11 a.m. today (one & a half hours after high water)and counted an impressive 106 Oystercatchers roosting on the harbour wall! Also present were 5 Shag & 2 Sandwich Terns.
Report Phil Ouless
Thanks for the report Phil. A very impressive number indeed. I wonder if Roger could inform us if this is a record or a normal occurrence for the time of year.
Chippenham Park Gardens
5 days ago
Good Oystercatcher count Phil. Although many birds will have been still moving west (post breeding dispersal and en route to autumn or wintering areas), Par Bay etc is a large wintering area itself. It is important to count at or near to high tide, when outlying birds fly in, always to the harbour wall (unless strong southerly wind). Max. numbers at high tide since their feeding grounds become covered. I have known c.150 roost there in winter time.Your 100+ is very high for autumn.