Photograph and report. A.Carey 19th January 2011
Hi guys, hope you made it back from Wolverhampton in one piece!!?
It has been fairly quiet down at the Par Beach Pool, guess the birds must have been missing you. Highlights include the pair of scaup coming in to clean and preen, and they spent much of today there, a photo of the young male bird attached, and Ian Prophet's probable Siberian Chiffchaff yesterday.
30+ curlews flew over yesterday late afternoon, as did a presumed escaped budgie or canary (not sure which, but it was very yellow!!)
The bittern showed this afternoon in the reeds beyond the causeway.
Thanks Andrew.
Yes we are back in sunny Cornwall. It seems as if it has been quiet while we have been away.
Thanks Andy. A trip to the Midlands is always guaranteed to re-kindle one's love of Cornwall! Mind you I was still up at dawn & out in the garden with the birds! There will be a few more trips up the M5 over the next few weeks. Lovely shot of the Scaup. Hope to see you over the weekend. T - You can't tick Budgie or Canary on the year list ;o)