At long last we managed to get down to the Pool...and boy was it cold standing out in the open for long periods of time.
We managed to catch up with some old faces and a few new ones during our stay.
Derek and Sam Julian, Nigel Climpson and his wife, Mark Whittaker and late arrival R.Lane all managed to keep us company and impart valuable knowledge which we thank them for.
Roger kindly presented Angie and myself with a very good book on Butterflies in the hope I suspect to get us into form two by the end of the season. Thank you Roger we appreciate it very much.
Mark Whittaker has been sending in regular reports on the Bittern over the last two weeks and I am sure most of the new faces with bins, cameras and scopes were all hoping for a sighting.
The bird did make a brief appearance during the time we were there (1400-1700 hrs) but unfortunately it was not a photographic opportunity.
Thanks to Mark for keeping us updated on the bird.
So what is happening locally?
2 days ago
hello trevor - just dropping by to see what's new over your way - hope all is well with you and yours -