Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Common Gull and Goosander at St Andrews Pool

"Hi Trevor, attached a picture of the goosander on St Andrew's Pool today (07/12/2010). I'm also attaching to a separate email a common gull pic also from St Andrew's Pool today.

The Goldeneye was still at Par Beach Pool, but the starling roost was very small tonight, and there were no curlews either."
Photographs and report. A. Carey
Thanks for the photographs and report Andrew.
A pair of lovely shots....you have done well.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great shots Andrew. It looks like a female RB Merganser though. fab!

  3. My thoughts also which is why i removed the first post - it is in actual fact a juv female Goosander (check the pale face marking)

  4. Thanks ST. Just noticed the sharp neckline too (Collins FG!). Sorry Andy - still fab & a nice record!

  5. Cheers guys, lovely subjects makes the photography easier! The goosander merganser ident is an interesting one, but I think the clearest distinction in the field is the "clean" neck line on the goosander, as opposed to the much more "scruffy" appearance of the merganser. Andy


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