Report. R. Lane. 14th November 2010
" The G.Prix cut the day in half really with poor weather before and after ! However, went over to Par for a breath of fresh rain where I met Mark and Andrew at the Pool. We were lucky enough to see the same 2 Swallows (ad. and imm.) toward dusk, one of which Andrew had seen over the beach in the morning. A gentleman who watches regularly from a car told us that one Swallow (at least) had been present since at least 12thNov'10 . So they had been present 3 days, up to Sunday night's frost at least.
There seemed little else of interest and the light was fading, but a small flock of 10+ Teal overflew the Pool. I believe Mark also heard water rails at the back of the Pool but no sound from the Cetti's Warbler, still thought to be present.(The recent Barnacle Goose was also absent)."
Thanks for the report Roger.
Well the race at least lived up to the billing.
Chippenham Park Gardens
5 days ago
Good for the Swallows.