Tips on Bird Feeding and Appropriate Bird Food During Fall and Winter
As the end of the year approaches and the seasons change from summer to fall, the diets of wild birds also change. While birds eat a high-protein diet consisting mostly of insects in the warmer summer months, migration and the need to prepare for the cold winter months cause them to shift to a more high-fat, high-energy diet. It is during the fall or winter months that feeding birds living in your backyard or immediate area becomes more important as their natural bird food sources become scarcer.
The most important types of bird food to give birds during the winter months are those which have a high-fat or oil content. These include black oil sunflower seeds, hulled peanuts or peanut butter, white prosso millet or millet mixes and suet cakes. If you want to save money, you can buy the bird food in the fall, as many seed stores are selling them at discounted prices to move them and make room for winter merchandise. They can be kept fresh by being stored in storage bins that can be closed tightly in order to keep the inside cool and dry and prevent rodents and bugs from getting at the bird food.
When selecting a bird feeder to dispense bird food during the fall and winter months, make sure that it has a roof or other cover to protect the seed from snow and rain, and make sure that they are placed in sheltered areas. You might also want to use a feeder with a larger capacity so that you won’t have to replenish the bird food as often. However, you will still have to clean the feeders on a regular basis in order to prevent them from becoming breeding grounds for disease and to remove soggy seed. You might also want to install a heated birdbath so that birds can enjoy a clean water supply for drinking and bathing.
If you want to feed the birds with suet cakes along with other types of bird food such as millet or seed mixes, you can get the Large Plantation feeder with two suet baskets. This is a platform type feeder with suet cages on both sides and a platform in the center where you can place seeds or millet. The feeder is covered with a roof to keep the feed dry while the open construction allows birds easy access to the bird food.
On the other hand, if you would like to feed birds with peanuts or cracked corn, you need the Deluxe Wire Mesh Feeder. This feeder works with peanuts and cracked corn, as well as seed mixes including sunflower and safflower seeds. The mesh allows birds easy access to the bird food, and perches allow them to sit and peck at the food. The wire mesh feeder also comes with a roof to protect the bird food inside from the elements, and a ring from which you can suspend the feeder. And the roof would maintain its shiny look even after being exposed to snow and rain, since its lacquer coating would protect it against tarnish.
About the Author:
Chantelle Voss is the Owner of and a birding enthusiast. Your Bird Oasis will help you transform your garden into your own bird oasis with a variety of beautiful Bird Baths, Bird Feeders, and Bird Houses to choose from. With exquisite artistic Bird Bath Fountains, Bird Bath Bowls, Decorative Bird Feeders at your convenience, you can add a unique touch to your garden and create a haven for the birds in your area.
Thank you Chantelle for your guest article.
Chantelle can be contacted at :
Chippenham Park Gardens
5 days ago
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