Report.R.Lane. 21st August 2010
"Spend almost an hour at Par (4pm to 5pm). Only thing I found on the Pool was that fem/imm. Shoveler, nondescript apart from it's great spatulate bill ! Then a close flock of 20+ small Waders flew from north to south and out over the beach. I went to western car-park and searched for them on the beach, but tide was full and I guess they had gone to Spit. However, all was not lost I did identify Sanderling, Dunlin and Ringed Plover as they flew over the Pool, mostly the latter species I think.
When I returned to the Pool I saw a 'strange' gull far out sitting on the water. 'Scope immediately showed it to be a healthy, adult Kittewake which later flew onto the road bank to roost(?), but was scared off to sea by people. Long time since I've seen delightfully smart Kittewake on the Pool. Brought in by the unseasonably, strong S.West winds I expect. Lousy day brought some result once again !"
Thanks for the report Roger.
Things are getting better....will be having a look tomorrow sometime or other.
Chippenham Park Gardens
5 days ago
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