Thursday, 29 July 2010
Nothing New
"Still nothing of interest, 'cept butterflies (no new ones), mind you I havn't looked very hard -- difficult to see between the people !. This was inevitable in the summer months, nothing much you can do about it. Aug/Sept. MUST be better, but still got the people problem !"
Thanks for the report Roger.
I agree the next few months must show improvement.
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
David Fenwick. Website
You will be hard pressed to find a more comprehensive site covering the South West on the internet.
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Clouded Yellow.
"It occurs to me you may not yet have a PAINTED LADY on the List (or am I forgetting one?). Any-way, I saw one on Buddleia in the wilderness at 4.30pm today (Sun.25thJuly). My 1st one anyway !
Also Cathy Trodd saw a Clouded Yellow in Par town (SX0753) on 6th July. The record has been accepted by the Cornish Recorder."
Thanks for the report Roger.
I will update the records.
We spent three hours at Par today along with Mark Whittaker. A Little Egret ,Tufted Duck (female) and a Juvenile Cormorant were noted on the Pool . Little else of interest was seen.
Saturday, 24 July 2010
"Nothing worth reporting really. Was at Par for 20 mins (overcrowded with tourists), could not park near the sea, tide coming in anyway. At Pool a flock of 5 x Dunlin flew in from beach and around Pool, but left again (people !) for the Beach, or Spit. I believe there were one or more juveniles."
Thanks for the Report Roger.
Hope to have a look tomorrow... weather permitting.
Friday, 23 July 2010
"We drove to Pontsmill briefly today, but it poured with rain all the while and we never got out of the car ! However, have just remembered we saw a Greater Spotted Woodpecker fly over and call, while parked. Then a Green Woodpecker flew up from a field (toward Penpillick Hill), on our way out ! I seldom see both Woodpeckers in a day (twice before), let alone in the same area, Pontsmill Valley. End of Report !"
Thanks for the report Roger.
With various things happening it has been a poor month for the Blog.
Monday, 19 July 2010
Pool Check.
Unfortunately nothing of real interest was seen.
2 x Grey Herons.
Moorhens with five chicks.
9 x B.H Gulls
Coots. Ix young Coot
5x Magpies (a family)
Swan Cygnets x3...we never saw the other two.
Cormorant x 1
Grey Wagtails, Dunnocks, Corvids and the usual Canada Geese, Mallards, Herring Gulls and Swans.
The tide was far out and nothing of note was seen...although Angie saw four Sandwich Terns using the scope..
St Andrews was really quiet with nothing worth recording.
Manoa Valley was a lot better with a lot of young birds flying around the trees. Robin, Goldfinches, L.T.Tits, Blue Tits, Chiffchaff and Willow Warblers were all seen.
Porthpean was busy with holiday makers and the Yacht club were out in force. Fulmars, Cormorants, Shag, B.H.Gulls plus a pair of Oystercatchers made up the numbers along with the Herring Gulls.
Friday, 16 July 2010
White-Winged Crow.
"Same old story ! Only a 'new' dragonfly from Pontsmill, a COMMON DARTER appeared there today. Unless that is you include White-winged Crows, there was one in the pine trees of the wilderness today. Of course it MAY have been a Hooded Crow (!!!), but as white-winged black Crows are relatively common in their first year, I suspect the latter ! A good example of it's type, thought it was a Magpie !"
Thanks for the report Roger.
Would have made a good photograph. Still not found a replacement yet!
"Couldn't see much wildlife in this weather ! Par Beach Pool is increasing in depth for the 3rd day in succession, but it's definitely NOT the rain. It's the Southerly winds (3 days now) bringing the tide up the eastern stream again. Does not usually do this in July, all due to the wind direction, and strength. Recall how low the level was 4 days ago when the BHGulls were on a peninsula from bank out to post ! Now not even an island. However, after today's deluge we may see some rain water added to tidal, which will begin to drop off soon (tidal). "
Thanks for the report Roger.
I ventured out myself yesterday evening (1945 hrs) and was surprised how fierce the wind was as it blew from the sea and whipped up the water on the pool. Most of the Gulls and Wildfowl were off the water sheltering on the foreshore best they could. I counted cx 65 BH Gulls with only 2xJuvenile plus 1x Mediterranean Juvenile.
Needless to say..both the beach and sea were deserted.
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Waders at Par
"Much less boring today ! Just 2 x COMM.SANDPIPERS on the Par River."
Thanks for the report Roger.
Maybe that is the start of better things to come.
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
- Report. R. Lane. 13th July 2010
"Spent an hour at Par (4.30 - 5.30pm), counting gulls mainly. On the Pool were 40+, B.H.Gulls, but only 2 juvs amongst them. This alone would be indicative of a bad breeding season, but the other day there were 4 juvs amongst 20+,B.H.Gulls, still not 'good'. There were around c.60 Herr.Gulls with a surprising c.30 2nd summer birds, and another c.30 adults.
On the Beach however there were another 50+, B.H.Gulls, apparently moving west, with very few juveniles seen. Whereas the c.50 Herr.Gulls were adults except for 15+ JUVS, down off the Clay Dry shed rooves, where of course they nested. These are still very dark and don't look like gulls at first glance! Must admit one got as far as the Beach Pool during the week, looking v. out-of-place among the pale 2nd-summ. birds. It's AS IF the 2nd-summ. Herr Gulls have learned to stay by the Pool-side where they stand a good chance of getting fed ! Hardly any were on the Beach, just adults and juveniles !
I noticed a small increase in LBBGulls on the Beach up to 6+. This would have included the one or two pairs which nest among the Herr.Gulls on the Clay Dry rooves. Only 1 adult and 1, 1st-wint. GBBGulls were noted. They tend to favour the western end of the Bay, particularly Charlestown.
Back on Par Pool 'oddments' included the 1 x Egret fishing (rather unsucessfully, but hopefully to feed a family nearby). There appear to be 3 x Coot families, one with c.5 chicks, one with 2 chicks and one with 1 chick (probably more to start with, the predation on Par Pool being high. Only 'intruders' were 2 x Dunlin which attempted to land, but were scared off on their way westward.
Back on the Beach the 'oddments' there were 1 x Oystercatcher (summered or return?), 1+, Whimbrels (heard) and 2 x immature Sandwich Terns (this years brood). Weather: cloud & rain !"
Thanks for the report Roger.
The Wildfowl and Waders do seem to be behind this year...hopefully things will improve very soon.
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Par List.
"Trevor tagging along with me today, but he hates my driving! Should have stayed in for the Grand Prix T! I took him off the patch, so I shall not report that.
Quick visit to Par Beach Pool on the way home - 6.45pm (parked up by the caravans) and in no particular order, as I am short of time:- Little Egret 1, Grey Heron 1, Black Headed Gull 25 plus 1 Juv (pic attached – NO Juv Med Gulls!!!), Lesser Black Backed Gull 1, Mallard c130, Cormorant 1, Canada Goose c100, Mute Swan 15 plus 5 Cygnets still (a 3 and a 2), Swallow 4, Carrion Crow 2, Dunnock 2, Greenfinch 4, Blackbird 2, Chiffchaff 1, Coot 17, Moorhen 9, Reed Warbler 3 together in the reeds over the far side of the pool, House Sparrow 4, Woodpigeon 3, Goldfinch 2, Great Tit 2, Pied Wagtail 4. I have also convinced myself that there was a snoozing Snipe in the edge of the reeds on the far side of the pool, but my images are bad, so better not take that seriously with my track record! A quick visit to the top car park where it was very noisy (from the docks):- Cormorant 3, Black Headed Gull c56, Herring Gull c60 including the dock area, Starlings 11 perched up on the docks, Whimbrel 2 flew in and behind the harbour wall to roost, Chiffchaff 1 (heard), Lesser Black Backed Gull 1, Magpie 2, Carrion Crow 4. A Songthrush was heard near the Ship Inn as we were leaving.
In addition I noticed this morning that one of the House Martin nests at Penrice House is no longer in use. I think they have abandoned it. The other nest however is full of noisy chicks and both parents were present today, bringing in food. I tried to count how many visits they made in my 35 minutes by the nest, but Molly was telling me a story about Woodpigeons, which she has told me a few times and I lost count!"
Thanks for the report Angie.
I did (again) take photographs of the Jay at Penrice and I also saw my first Green Woodpecker on the ground...unfortunately I had packed the camera away and was on my way back home .
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Breeding Warblers.
"Managed to find an hour today to finally get out and had an hour at the pool from 3pm.
28 Black Headed Gulls, 3 Cygnets with ther parents, 1 juvenile Cormorant fishing and 2 juvenile Moorhen. I did find breeding evidence of both Reed Warbler and Willow Warbler. The Reed Warblers being very noisy towards me."
Thanks for the report Mark.
Sorry it is up a day late.
Report Extra
Thanks Roger.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
New Dragonflies.
"Sorry to have been neglecting you but got rather involved in butterflies, and Steve Rogers, which has spilled over into today (of which Angie may have told you).
However DISTINCT from these (out of bounds), I did find 1 butterfly and 2 dragonflies new to the St.Austell Baywatch area. Seen Tues,6thJuly.2010
The new butterfly was:
1 x Purple Hairstreak(Quercusia quercus), at Pontsmill
The first dragonfly was:
1 x Common Hawker also at Pontsmill
Secondly: 1 x Southern Hawker at Luxulyan Viaduct.
PS: Congratulations on the juv. MED GULL, before my prediction ! "
Thanks for the report Roger.
The list is getting impressive.
Monday, 5 July 2010
Families Day Out.
" Little of real interest seen but it has been a sort of "Families Day Out". While waiting at home this afternoon I was watching a family of r5 Swifts feeding, when a noisy crew of 5 Ravens, 'cronking' away at each other, as they flew from West to East, presumably another family. After I got the car back I ventured to Par, where the family of Coots still has at least 5 chicks and a family of C.Geese were on the sea, 2 ads and 5 goslings I believe. That is quite a long waddle from the Pool, so may have come down Par River. Last, and perhaps best of all was my first JUVENILE B.H.Gull with a party of ten adults, the juvenile seemingly attached to one adult. Which reminds me,it's time to look for juvenile Med.Gulls often seen in July and usually with BHGull flocks."
Thanks for the report Roger.
Glad you got yourself mobile again.
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Par List.
"Tagging along with Trevor today, but all my recording was done from the car (being unable to walk!). In no particular order…
Par Beach Pool: Great Black Backed Gull 1, Lesser Black Backed Gull 1, Black Headed Gull 12 (1 of which was very juv.), Moorhen 8, Coot 7, Greenfinch 5, Canada Goose c70, Dunnock 2, Mute Swan 21 (this includes 5 juv; 3 & 2 and all doing well), Grey Heron 2, Cormorant 2, Blackbird 2, Mallard c75, Herring Gull c150, Pied Wagtail 6, Carrion Crow 4, Goldfinch 4, Bullfinch 1 M, Wren 1, Songthrush 1, Swallows 4, Starling 2, Chaffinch 3, Linnet 3, Chiffchaff 1, Jackdaw 3, House Sparrow 3.
From the top car park: Stonechat 2, Greenfinch 4, Woodpigeon 2, Swallow 6, Blackbird 2, Shag 3, Cormorant 2, Oystercatcher (heard only – the grass on the dunes is too high for me to see over in places!), House Martin 8, Goldfinch 4, Great Black Backed Gull 1, Chaffinch 2, Black Headed Gull 6, Linnet 2, Herring Gulls: lots as usual!
Car park near The Ship end: Willow Warbler 2, Swallow 3, Buzzard 1, Robin 1, Goldfinch 2, Chiffchaff 1, Skylark 2, Jay 1, Carrion Crow 3, Moorhen 1.
Menabilly: Chiffchaff 1, Buzzard 1, Wren 1, Skylark 3, Jackdaw c110 (although I did ID Rook 2 amongst them), Songthrush 1, Blackbird 3, Swallow 12, Pheasant 2, Dunnock 3, Linnet 8, Herring Gull 4.
NO SWIFTS recorded, although there are lots over my house so I obviously wasn’t looking properly!!!
Oh, and for Roger from Menabilly: 1 Large White Butterfly and a small pretty Moth in the Churchyard, which I could not ID!
Pics of young Pied Wagtail and Black Headed Gull attached."
Thanks for the report Angie.
Very little I can add to that...while you were scoping I had a quick look at the River and the shoreline.
One extra Grey Heron fishing on the River.
8 x Oystercatchers...5 on the shoreline and 3 at the harbour rocks.
C x 35 Black-headed Gulls on the shoreline.
Saturday, 3 July 2010
"Nothing of great import as usual ! However there was a new butterfly at Pontsmill in 15mins sunshine this morning, Britain's biggest: The SILVER WASHED FRITILLARY(Argynnis paphia). No Birds to talk of."
Thanks for the report Roger.
Glad to see you out again.
Friday, 2 July 2010
Is this the Australian Wood Duck?

Thursday, 1 July 2010
Black Headed Gulls.
"Another (damp) day with nothing to report ! Sat at ParBPool for half-hour "I see no Wood Ducks", but got very wet through car window ! Up to 20 BHGulls still in fine summer plumage."
Thanks for the report Roger.
Looks like the bird could have flown. I shall have a look myself in the morning and let you know how I got on.
Maned Duck/Goose
"They are also called Maned Goose.
There use to be one one ranging around the county over ten years ago."
Thanks for the information Derek.
This is a link if anyone wishes to see what one looks like and for further information.
Australian Wood Duck
"Found an unusual duck with the Mallards on the pool today, I knew it was some kind of New World escape/exotic and having consulted my Helm wildfowl guide, I've discovered its a male Maned Duck/ Australian Wood Duck ( Chenonetta jubata)
Don't suppose it'd make it past a rarity panel but it's an interesting one for a photo and category E of the patch list! Apart from which, nothing much to report."
Thanks for the report John.
Well done in finding and identifying the Australian Wood Duck