Yesterday was another one of our days out with Derek Julian, Sam, Ben and Poppy. The target species was an American *** star vagrant at Langton Herring west Dorset. We started out at 0530hrs and arrived around 0745hrs to be confronted by a very chilly wind and cold conditions. A few other early birders were also on the site and after an agonising 30 minutes the Bufflehead was sighted .The walk was very tiring in the conditions and when we got there we located the bird a good 600-800 yards out on the opposite bank. We had to content ourselves with viewing through the scope. That was my second life tick of the day as a Barn Owl was spotted on the A30 pre dawn.
The next stop was Radipole Lake and I had another slice of good luck while I was in the RSPB site looking at the bird books when young Ben Julian said."That's a Cetti's Warbler" and pointed outside. I only had time for a quick grab shot through the window but at least it is recognisable. Smart lad that Ben.
We also went to Portland Bill and Fleet but the only other year tick was a Red-legged Partridge.
A good if somewhat tiring day ended up with three life ticks and four year ticks.
Also we saw A Hooded Merganser at Radipole Lake but could not tick it.
Many thanks to Derek....also wife Sam and of course Ben..... for giving us the opportunity of his lifetime experience
which always ends up with us getting more life ticks.
This post also appears on A&T Birding
Chippenham Park Gardens
5 days ago
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