" PBPool, 29thMar.2010: 1 x your everyday friendly neighbourhood Blk.Tailed Godwit, back again probing alongside the road ! 10+, Sand Martins and 10+ Swallows. (Not a House Martin in sight, yet!).
"Swan-song": (not mine I hope!). While sat in car at the Pool a car drew up alongside and a lady driver asked if "the Swan was really dead and can you come and look at it"? Since heavy rain prevailed and I had suede shoes on I said: 'no but I can see it is with my binoculars' At this the distraught lady drove off in a huff, so I thought I'd better make an effort, got out the car onto the muddy soil (western limit of Pool). She saw me getting out, in her mirror, and drove back to join me walking down to water's edge. She explained she had been watching an ailing swan for 3 days (but was afraid of the live ones). She had called the RSPCA some 3 days ago and the inspector had visited the Pool with her a couple of days ago giving her to under-stand they would 'bring out a boat and catch it on the water if necessary', but she had not heard any more. But here we were today looking down at a freshly dead swan. Although she had seen it alive a few hours earlier! She returned to her car, but did not drive off. Soon she got out of the car telling me she had just 'phoned her husband, who told her that the RSPCA had 'phoned to say it was coming out, TOMORROW!
At which she was dismayed, and having photographed the swan, returned to her car and drove off com-plaining in no uncertain terms about the RSPCA ! I had a look at the corpse but in the conditions could only confirm what she had told me, that it appeared to have a broken wing. This MAY have been enough for it to die, but having watched the swans a lot recently, I have noticed a large, strong male bird, probably one of nesting pairs, which would have made the dead swan's life hell by harrassed it, hastening it's demise. BUT that's only a theory. Anyone got any observations which could be linked to this untimely death ? Sad."
Thanks for the report Roger.
It is indeed sad. Whether they could have saved it with prompt action is any ones guess.
Naturally the Lady feels let down and I do feel sorry for her. Hope she gets some sort of apology from them.
I was looking for a photographic and fact finding visit but today would not have been any good for both of them.
The forcast is not good for the next few days ...so I may have to keep the powder dry.
I guess the weather is frustrating your butterfly activities but surely it must break soon.
Chippenham Park Gardens
5 days ago
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