"Hardly worth reporting today, got out late and it was chilly ! First it was Porthpean, almost birdless with just 30+, Fulmars; 3 x Comm.Scoter; 1 x GNDiver and a single female SEAL. In P'pean car-park was a singlr M.Pipit (only my 2nd this year !). At Carlyon Cliff was 1 x GNDiver; 1 x Razorbill and a Curlew (over).
Later popped in Somerfield's (St.Andrews), parked where the car backs on to a small stream or 'ditch', when I came out a Little Egret was feeding 50 metres from the cars ! St.Andrews Pond seems to have lost it's Tufted Duck(s), and most else, save a few Redwings. When I got to Par Beach Pool I found out why, there were no less than 24 Tufted Ducks on the Pool (a winter record?), flocking up before migration perhaps and/or including migrants leaving us. But that was all, and only c.6 x GCGrebes in the Bay."
Thanks for the report Roger.
Got confined to barracks today...so cannot add anything.
So what is happening locally?
2 days ago
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