The first port of call was the Manoa Valley. Goldcrest, Dunnock, L.T.Tit, Wren, Sparrow, Chiffchaff and the usual Crows and Gulls kick-started off the list.
We made PBP around 1000hrs . Redwing were on the grass close to the Indian Restaurant, Mistle Thrush and Song Thrush were also seen before we reached the Pool.
The Pool held thirty Mute Swans , Canada Geese, Coot, Moorhen ,Mallard and a lone L.B.B Gull . There was no visible sign of the Tufted Duck.
Further along ..up by the caravans were Pied Wagtail, Dunnock, Robin, Raven and six Oystercatchers that were later seen in the middle of the caravan park.
We decided to take a walk along the back of the pool and soon had a Snipe and Reed Bunting on the list.
The walk at the back of the caravans to the Restaurant yielded up Bullfinches (M&F) , Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch,Wren and Robin.
Passing the Pool the second time we added Heron and Cormorant.
A short walk to the shore did not produce much A Stonechat overhead.
Scoping the Bay we found...two Cormorants, Six G.B.Gulls, Two Red-throated Divers, Five Black-throated Divers,Nine G.C.Grebes, Gannet and a Shag out towards Spit.
St Andrews Pool held only the usual Gulls and Wildfowl. No sign of Tufted Duck.
A walk into the Wilderness produced a Male Pheasant, Coat Tit, Robin, Wren Chaffinches, Rooks, Crows and a obliging Marsh Tit.
On to Colliford Lake (out of bounds) looking for the Black Duck.
We clocked up ten Tufted Duck, Teal, Mallard and Lesser Scaup. We think we found the sleeping Black Duck over on the far shore but as it did not move we and five others could not make the definite identification.
It was a cold day at times but we had a good haul.
So what is happening locally?
2 days ago
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